Select Option 1 Option 2 Select Option 1 Option 2 Weights/Sets/Reps/Intensity (1-10, 10 being the most challenging) * Enter the weight in pounds for the exercise and list the amount of sets, repetitions, and the intensity of the exercise. Workout Overall Intensity Message * Date MM DD YYYY Upper Body Exercises - Upper Body Barbell Bench Press Dumbbell Bench Press Cable Chest Press Dumbbell Flys Cable Flys Push Ups Barbell Bent-Over Rows Dumbbell Bent-Over Rows Dumbbell Rows Barbell Biceps Curls Dumbbell Biceps Curls Cable Biceps Curls Skull Crushers Cable Triceps Pushdowns Triceps Kickbacks Triceps Overhead Extensions Barbell Shoulder Press Dumbbell Shoulder Press Cable Shoulder Press Barbell Upright Rows Dumbbell Upright Rows Cable Upright Rows Dumbbell Lateral Raises Dumbbell Front Raises Cable Front Raises Cable Lateral Raises Dumbbell Reverse Flys Cable Reverse Flys Thank you!