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Mindfulness: The Correlation to Healthy Eating

One is located within the head, and the other within the gut!

The gut has a mind of its own, and besides communicating with the brain about its activities, it also aids in brain development. It is extremely important to understand how these minds work in unison to create our everyday consciousness.

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Soungui Koulamallah Soungui Koulamallah

Journey To A Healthier You

Soungui Fitness is a medium, a way to move people from where they are to where they would like to be or have the potential to be. It aims to do so through the promotion of health and wellness by demonstrating fitness as a holistic embodiment; Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually. When we experience balance with these 3, we allow ourselves to live and experience the beauty of a balanced lifestyle. Your workouts are built to allow you to work at your own intensity toward your fitness goals, and at the same time challenging you both physically and mentally to grow through barriers. 

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Soungui Koulamallah Soungui Koulamallah

Relationships: The Number 1 Rule

 Do you ever find yourself going from relationship to relationship wondering why things never seem to work out, or if you're ever going to catch a break and settle down with "The one"? 

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Soungui Koulamallah Soungui Koulamallah

Change! Growth! Transformation!

What do these things have in common?

The answer is they are often road blocked by fear. When looking ahead we can see the path that leads us in the direction of our life's greatest desires, and when obstacles jump out in front of us from the bushes we get anxious, afraid, and we become paralyzed by fear.

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